Lucketts? I got something better!

Where to go Junking

Where to go Junking or antique shopping

Hubby and I took a quick 40 minute trip to a small Indiana town called LaPorte and this was some of the views I was able to snap with my cell phone. So I apologize about the crappy pics but I think you will be amazed at some of the prices I found.

Blue Mason Jars $4.50 each! 

To give you a little "location" perspective as far as where it's at, the town of LaPorte Indiana is a little over an hour southeast of Chicago. 

Old toolbox, approximately 36" in length - 40 bucks, rusty nails included. 

I was too short to get close to these old tins but they were about 18" to 24" tall, and buried behind a ton of old headboards. 

Some of the booths are organized, some are not, but for these prices...I don't think ya'll care do ya? 

Wood chairs? 40 one dollar bills and it's yours.

I mean I am not trying to offend any “Luckett” lovers, but uhhh when I zoom on some of those prices...I faint! 

It's the same saying when your shopping and buying a house I guess. Location, Location, Location! 

This was a shot I took coming down from the 2nd floor 

Here is an 8 year old lab who comes with her owner to get in some serious petting 

Look at that sweet face! She has life down pat as far as I am concerned.

Anytime ya'll wanna hop on over, we will organize a shopping trip.

Bring a truck.

The black wicker on top of an armoire, was labeled as a wicker coffin...that seriously gave hubby the creeps. Now that was $800 I think? 

Old cooler anyone, interior metal lining still intact! 

Where to go Junking or antique shopping

Now this baby, I am still drooling over her, solid wood. And I mean solid, not laminate. She even has a wood pin dowel system underneath to hold the top on!!!! 

Guess the price....

I am SERIOUSLY wanting to go back for her, 40 bucks! 

Where to go Junking or antique shopping

See any goodies you'd go home with? 

Where to go Junking

Where to go Junking

Where to go Junking

Are ya sure you don't see anything you'd snatch up?? 

Sorry for the blur, I got bumped by a rude patron, who I had a tiny word with...

just a tiny teensy bitsy word

He stepped on my foot, and was walking away when I muttered "seriously?"...he turned, looked back and said: "I'm in bad mood"

My response was:

"Uhhh I don't play poker but if you step on me again w/o an apology, I'll see your bad mood and RAISE IT!" and I gave him my best smile.

I didn't let him ruin my fun.

Trust me! 

Loved the trunk 

Are you still aching for Lucketts?? Well if I didn't change your mind, then more for me... 

That's it for my shopping day with the hubs. What would you have gone home with? 

I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did.