Sunshine Inside and Out on the backyard patio

Good Morning, I had to get outside yesterday....

not only because I had a blog issue with Google+ Comments that thoroughly irritated me, but because it the sun was out and the temperature was above 42 degrees!

I took my frustrations out on my weeds and after a good 30 minutes I felt relaxed enough to start playing with some décor.

I didn't do anything major, but I thought you'd appreciate a glimpse of some of my spots where I get to hang out when we have nice weather. If you saw my Front Porch Tweaking post you'll notice that my backyard table is now longer.

yes Hubby kindly took the old greyed boards off and gave me new, longer 6' ones...and he also made me a side table.

I told him it was so when we cook outside I can place food on it, but who am I kidding.

It's a perfect place to set out some favorite object. Did you notice the black chandelier? I ended up ripping out the wiring and placing it outside...

Something kept holding me back from asking hubby to hang it. It just wasn't right for the back entry and being 27" tall there was only one spot for it to be hung, so plan B, I get an awesome candle holder! 

I also have been working on some Birdhouses to put them in some planters that I have by the back door and I grabbed a few new plants that'll fill in nicely in a month or two. I actually stole this idea from Serendipity Refined; She did a gorgeous urn outside her garage door that sparked me into getting off my blogging butt chair.

I will also some sprigs of those wave petunias in a week or two. Oh that little silver canister, that's my compost bin. I got that 2 years ago at World Market...ya see I'm lazy. 

That whole 3'X5' compost bin idea? Yeah that's not me! You're not going to see me getting my boots on in the winter to go stir a compost bin that might be covered in 3 foot of snow, or lugging a 100' hose out to water and turn it again when it's in the 90's...3 times a week? uhhh pass! So I "spot" compost. 

I add my leftovers in this little baby garbage can and when it gets full I dig a hole and dump it, cover it and walk away. And it works! My flowers love it...

Lazy....but fun!

I just noticed that one of the concrete lions (formerly my Mother In Laws) is still facing the dryer vent, I did it as a joke for winter so he could stay warm

Time to figure out what color he'll be painted and where he'll go, maybe I should turn him around too

a lions butt doesn't exactly say "Welcome"

Enjoy your Monday!

